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A blog of Mental Health, AI Art Experiments, and Biblical Analysis.

18 hours ago14 min read
Coping with Living in a Parallel Universe
Sisyphus had the impossible task of pushing the boulder up a hill for eternity. I similarly tried to be heard and understood.

Jan 239 min read
Can Anyone Hear Me?
"... it never really leaves my mind. I have not been waiting for inspiration, I have been searching for understanding."

Dec 7, 202412 min read
Reasonable Expectations for Invisible Disabilities
What are reasonable expectations for invisible disabilities? Specifically, I am asking to consider what are reasonable expectations of other

Nov 28, 20247 min read
A Conversation with AI
It is not a coincidence that philosophers are synonymous with depression

Nov 19, 20245 min read
Predeterminism and Deontology
I'm finding my mind drifting towards predeterminism lately. Which is odd as it is not something I have generally given credence to. I'm...

Aug 26, 20241 min read
Things Will Get Better
My children likely won't really hear me, just as I could not hear it, but I will keep saying it. "Things will get better."

Aug 6, 20244 min read
Being an "Other"
"People are accepting of those with mental illness, up until symptoms are expressed."

May 14, 20244 min read
Depression and Existential Crisis
"When I become depressed, it manifests as existential crisis. I am not suffering from lethargy because I am experiencing mental self...

Apr 12, 20244 min read
Disordered - Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance is no stranger to OCD. Opposing and conflicting views arguing inside my own mind for validation is the unending...

Feb 26, 20246 min read
OCD - Fear
"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is marked by heightened anxiety and misplaced anxiety. That part of the mind is over reactive. The result...

Feb 7, 20243 min read
Why Do I Keep Digging?
Digging in your past for lost secrets. Do you expect to find treasures? Is that what you think you would have buried and hidden? Is it...

Jan 25, 20243 min read
Disordered AI Art and Introspection
I was curious what the Deep Dream AI would produce for art if I entered just a few disorders as the only text prompt for creating images....

Jan 5, 20243 min read
When I Finally Lose the War: A Battle with Mental Illness
"When I finally lose my mind entirely, will all who love me now abandon me? Will others tell them that the person who remains is not the...
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