Locusts of Revelation, an AI experiment - Part 3 of 3 is returning to Deep Dream to finish out the experiment. Since I am back in the same platform, it is not necessary to recount the process up until this point. I will instead focus on getting to the images and then the analysis.
Iteration 61 was the first image to be processed at the higher 2MP instead of the 1MP that the rest of the images were processed at. 61-100 are done with this being the only change. Images 101 - 110 are high quality renders with the text altered to try and get closer to the target.

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 61

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 62

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 63

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 64

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 65

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 66

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 67

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 68

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 69

Locusts of Revelation - Iteration 70

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 71 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 72 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 73 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 74 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 75 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 76 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 77 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 78 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 79 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 80 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 81 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 82 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 83 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 84 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 85 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 86 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 87 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 88 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 89 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 90 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 91 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 92 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 93 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 94 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 95 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 96 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 97 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 98 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 99 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 100 by AI.
Once the goal of 100 attempts was hit and a decent base was decided upon, I took a further step to try and nudge the AI in the right direction.

For iterations 101 - 105, the main change was removal of all pronouns in the text. I was suspecting that the computer was having trouble tying the descriptions to the original idea, and the results from this change give at least some indication that the assumption was correct. I also added the negative modifier of "no humans."

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 101 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 102 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 103 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 104 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 105 by AI.
For images 106 - 110, I removed the negative modifiers. I wanted to see if the negative modifier of "no humans" was steering the computer alone, or if removing the pronouns was having as large of an effect as it appeared. It does appear that the redirection of pronouns was the largest influencer.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 106 by AI.
For iterations 107-110, I also changed the quality from "Normal" to "High." The energy required per render was 25, and I was capped at storing 35 per day, so one render a day, sometimes two, was the norm for these last images.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 107 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 108 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 109 by AI.

Revelation 9: 7 - 11 – Attempt 110 by AI.
With the information gathered, I began to critique the images produced with the same criteria as used for images 1 - 60. The findings for the overall subset of 61 - 110 were as follows:
How often did the key descriptors appear?: 1. These are locusts being discussed. - 16/50 or 32% 2. They looked like horses prepared for battle. - 20/50 or 40% 3. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold. - 37/50 or 74%
4. Their faces resemble human faces. - 23/50 or 46%
5. Their hair was like women's hair. - 8/50 or 16% 6. Their teeth were like lion's teeth. - 9/50 or 18%
7. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron. - 33/50 or 66%
8. the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. - 9/50 or 18%
9. They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. - 1/50 or 2%
10. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer) - 10/50 or 20% What unexpected patterns occurred?: 1. Glitch/mostly unrecognizable - 4/50 or 8%
2. 1 creature/human - 3/50 or 6% 3. 2 creature/human - 21/50 or 42%
4. 3 creature/human - 13/50 or 26%
5. 4+ creature/ human - 12/50 or 24%
6. Background "war" or "group"- 19/50 or 38%
7. Colors, of any amount, other than black, white, gold and/or blue present - 24/50 or 48%
8. Black, White, Gold, and/or Blue Dominant - 44/50 or 88% 9. Black & White - 6/50 or 12%
10. Photo Realistic Style - 30/50 or 60% 11. Painting or drawing style - 20/50 or 40%

This is the graph for 61-110. Not useful separated that way, but here it is since I made it. More relevant would be 1-100 vs 101-110.

With further experimentation, it seems that the most useful information discovered was that the AI has issues with numerous pronouns being used in a lengthy description. The percent that locusts were present in some discernable way went from 19% in the first 100 images to 100% in the last ten images where pronouns were replaced with rep.
The only other change that seemed in anyway meaningful with the second sample being significantly narrowed, is that the images were twice as likely to be painting/drawing style instead of photo realistic.
The results of this study have so far only taught me that the AI struggles with pronouns, and is no better with difficult descriptions than human artists. Further experiments in other areas may show more patterns. Hopefully, I will gain further insight into the art produced by AI.
Coming up next - "the Four Living Creatures" of Ezekiel. While the locusts were interesting, these images have been turning out to be far more beautiful. Here is a preview of two images.

Ezekiel 1:4-11,13 - Iteration 3

Ezekiel 1:4-11,13 - Iteration 60

Ezekiel 1:4-11,13 - Iteration 65 Deviations from original input: Iteration 1 - 60 at 1MP. Iteration 61 - 100 2MP.