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Writer's pictureWilliam A. Bushnell

The Seven Trumpets of Revelation: Part 1 of 2

For the Seven Trumpets of Revelation, I have decided to split the seven up into two parts. The first will cover 1 through 3, the second will cover 4 through 7. I will keep my thoughts on the images to a minimum for this post. The First Trumpet of Revelation: Revelation 8:7 "The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up."

angel with trumpet, raining blood, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

angel with trumpet, destruction of Earth

The Second Trumpet of Revelation: Revelation 8:8-9 "The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."

trumpet, fire, ships and sea

trumpet, fire, ships and sea

angel with trumpet, fire, ships and sea

angel with trumpet, fire, ships and sea

Red planet with trumpet, red mountains, red sea

Beast breathing fire, fire, ships and sea

Demonic angel sinking ships with meteorites

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, blood moon, fire rain

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire rain

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire rain

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire rain, nuclear explosion

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, nuclear explosion

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Flying death moon, birds, ships, sea, fire

trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire, blood moon

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Celestial being, ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

Fire and sea

ships, sea, fire

Angel with trumpet, ships, sea, fire

The Third Trumpet of Revelation: Revelation 8:10-11 "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."

Angel with trumpet above waterfall

Angel with trump above river. Shining sun in the background

Angel using trumpet to create a star that is affecting the water

Angel playing trumpet before crowd while evil sun pours lava into waters

Angel playing trumpet as it sends fire up and down

Angel over surreal landscape, pouring energy out mouth and into the sea.

Angel with trumpet and hair on fire, blasting wind into the sea below

Winged creature with trumpet, surreal landscape and celestial bodies. Sun shooting laser beam into environment

Angels having a trumpet battle with crowds on each side. Sun in middle pouring energy down into the river between them.

Celestial landscape and space scape

Angel playing trumpet, sun rising from the horizon

Sun beaming down energy like a weapon, damaging the environment

Star above the rivers and mountains, blasting energy down. Celestial bodies surround

Angel playing trumpet. Fire from trumpet hitting the river below

Angel reaching to sun which is destroying the earth below with fire

Demon spitting fire down into river

Star dropping fire into ocean

Angel in from of star beaming down into ocean with ships

Angel playing trumpet, sun destroying the earth

Angel playing trumpet, sun beaming down energy into river

Demon or angel spitting fire into earth

Angel playing trumpet blasting energy into the sun

Angel dropping energy into ocean surrounded by spectators

Angel playing trumpet in front of sun

Trumpet being played by a star, the star pouring water onto earth


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